My love for learning how to embroider isn't diminishing any - I'm literally loving playing around with stitches and designs. I made this bunny hoop for Nick's mum for her birthday and think it turned out pretty cute. Get ready for a bunny close-up...
I tried tinting using wax crayons - something I'm still getting used to though - it still turned out a bit too pale. I did, however, face up to my arch nemesis...the french knot. I've feared these little bundles of chaos for many years during my time as a cross stitcher. Cursed them with their whole "hey, you, woman with the needle...you can't tame me...I go where I like...sometimes I just disappear...if I want a straggley piece of thread sticking up from me I'm going to have it..and there ain't nothin' you can do" attitude. Thanks to the wonderful instuctions of Jenny Hart I've mastered them...hurrah..and behold...
My next big challenge is still crochet...Crochet for Dummies has been relegated to the growing tower of books known as "for the charity shop". I'm clearly a skill level below Dummy. Instead I've turned to The Happy Hooker by Debbie Stoller to be my guide...so I'm now going to go grab my crochet hook...amigurumi here I come.
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